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Recording of Velocity quartet playing classical vs. contemporary repertoire styles of music. Second half of CD is meant to be a continuous listening experience.

Vintage & Vogue CD

  • 1.     Passepied (Andre Campa/Gerry Luethi)

    2.     Allegro Giocoso (Georges Bizet/ Michael Keller)

    3.     Pavane (Gabriel Fauré/Agnes French)

    4.     Fugue in C Major (J.S. Bach/Charles Maggs)

    5.     Sabre Dance (Aram Khachaturian/Cheryl Baker)

    6.     6. Goin’ Home (Antonin Dvorák/Charles Maggs)

    7.     The Hallelujah Chorus (G.F. Handel/Michael R. Keller)

    8.     Fanfare for an Uncommon Instrument (Susan T. Nelson)

    9.     Interlude 1

    10.   On the Wings of the Wind (S. Keeney)

    11.   Interlude 2

    12.   Blaze (William Bryan Kyle)

    13.   Interlude 3

    14.   Recueillir (Kathleen Wissinger)

    15.   Interlude 4

    16.   A Minor Adjustment (P.L. Grove)

    17.   Interlude 5

    18.   Ascension (Kevin McChesney)

    19.   Interlude 6

    20.   The Closer (Joel Gingrich)

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